Student Services Teams

Support in Every School

Every school in CCS has a Student Services Team (SST) in place.  The SST is a part of the Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) to address and resolve barriers to teaching and learning.  The SST consists of educators from a variety of professional backgrounds such as counseling, social work, psychology, speech and language pathology, health, school administration, and regular education and special education teachers.

Specifically, the SST assists the referring regular education teacher and parent/guardian to develop a plan using research-based interventions to address academic or behavior concerns. The process encourages teachers and parents to effectively communicate, collaborate, and problem solve using data to best meet the child's needs.  

Parents Are Important to the Team

Parents are an essential part of developing interventions that are effective for a particular child. You know your child’s interests and strengths and also know interventions tried in the past, those that worked and those that didn’t. 

mom with her two daughters reading a book

Outlined below are ways that parents/guardians can make a difference. 

  • Communicate with your child’s teacher(s) 

  • Ensure that your child attends school regularly 

  • Encourage your child to do well in school 

  • Understand assessments your child takes 

  • Collaborate with your child’s school 

  • Ask how you can help your child at home

Please Note:  If at any time, a parent, caregiver, or school staff member suspects that a child may have a disability, a referral to special education will be made. The IEP Team, which includes the parent, will determine if an evaluation will be conducted. This process is generally referred to as Child Find. 

For more information, contact your child’s school and request to speak with the SST Chair or the district office contact, Lisa Craver, Psychological Services Coordinator at 910.678.2438.

 Where do I find Research-Based Interventions?

Some schools have purchased research-based supplemental programs and the SST may choose to provide instructional interventions using those programs.

Helpful Links: The following websites also provide guidance on research-based interventions:

Reading, Writing, Math, Behavior:


Reading, Math, Writing